Chronic Disease Self-Management tool: Physical Activity

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No matter the age or condition, active people are healthier and happier that people who are not.

Being physically active means that you move and are active during the day. In fact, having a chronic health condition may be challenging for us, but we can still be fit and enjoy physical activities and exercise.

  1. An exercise program means that you set aside times and choose specific exercises to do.
  2. Having a chronic health condition may be challenging for us, but we can still be fit and enjoy physical activities and exercise.

In fact, being physically active and exercising may be two of the best things we can do to help our condition.

How can physical activity and exercise help us?

Here are some answers:

  • Strong cardiovascular system – heart, lungs and blood vessels
  • Good muscle strength
  • Weight control and
  • Better sleep

There are three types of activities or exercises that make up a complete fitness program, and each has a goal to work toward. These are:

  • Flexibility: to stretch or loosen muscles and joints.

Goal: 10 minutes without stopping

  • Strengthening: makes your muscles stronger by working them harder

Goal: 8-10 strengthening exercises, 2-3 days a week

  • Endurance or Aerobic: works most of the body

Goal: Moderate aerobic activities 30-40 minutes, 3-5 days a week

Before starting any new exercise program, you must speak with your health care provider.