Welcome to Salt Awareness Week!!
Reducing the growing trends in Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) in the Federation is of the highest priority. High salt intake is linked to risk factors for both heart disease and worsening kidney function, including high blood pressure, excess protein in the urine and fluid overload. In fact, the rise in renal disease clients in St. Kitts have become a cause for alarm. Persons living with chronic kidney disease (CKD) experience reduced kidney function that persists over time. This chronic condition can lead to the need for dialysis or kidney transplantation to survive. Therefore, reducing salt intake may help to reduce the risk of heart disease and preserve kidney function.
Due to the well-established link between excess salt intake and the development of NCDs, Salt Awareness Week was established to:
- Motivate persons to reduce their salt intake.
- Raise awareness in the general population and the food service industry of the health issues associated with excess salt use, the role of processed food in salt intake and the health gains to
- the population of reducing salt in food preparation.
- Raise awareness and focus on building paths to better kidney care.
- Create an environment that supports persons living with Kidney Disease.
campaign activities
- Island Tea Interviews: Awareness for Kidney Disease and upcoming activities.
- March 1st – Ass. Nurse Manager for the Dialysis Unit, Wendy Smithen, Staff Nurse Varsha Hull and Diabetes Educator Cian Liou
- Good morning SKN Interviews: Awareness for Kidney Disease and upcoming activities.
- March 2nd – Ass. Nurse Manager for the Dialysis Unit, Wendy Smithen, Staff Nurse Varsha Hull and Diabetes Educator Cian Liou
- March 9th – William H.C Chen: Project Manager Chronic Disease Metabolic Project and Nurse Novelia Rawlins Nwosu, Metabolic Chronic Disease Coordinator
- Renal Health Education Session for institution based renal clients or a family member (Dialysis Unit) March 6th & 7th .
- Eat The Rainbow – The community is encouraged to eat a salad today as one of their meals. Make your salad as colorful as possible and enjoy it on March 8th.
- Get Active Day – After work physical activity with Mr. Elston Nisbett at the Newtown Playing Field on March 9th.
- Salt Diary Challenge for the Community-Within the week persons are encouraged to use the electronic salt diary to track their meals and the amount of sodium each meal contains.