Welcome to the SKN Moves 7-Week Weight Loss Challenge. We are excited that you are taking steps to have a healthier and happier you. Before you begin this challenge here are some tips to assist you in your weight loss goals. Remember, each person is different so don’t compare yourself with others. Remember, eat a balance healthy diet, stay hydrated, avoid foods high in fat, salt and sugar and get moving and rest adequately.
The following are Weight Loss Tips to help you be successful in your weight loss journey.
- Chew Your Food Thoroughly
Thoroughly chewing your food causes you to feel fuller faster while consuming less calories which aids in weight reduction and better digestion. So don’t stop eating to lose weight, instead, savor each meal in place of gulping down your food.
- Stay Hydrated
Your body is 75 percent. Water is necessary to:
- Regulating your body temperature
- Aiding in digestion
- Helps protect your joints
- Essential for rebuilding blood
- Helps detoxify the body
- Keeps your skin looking youthful
Stay hydrated and receive the benefits to your body.
- Move Your Body
Although a great percentage of weight loss comes from eating a balance and healthy diet energy expenditure is also important. Incorporate physical activity in your day by doing something you enjoy such as bike riding, dancing, hiking, playing a sport and more. Physical activity helps to burn calories, build muscles and keep the body in shape, so move your body every day.
- Avoid Processed Foods
Packaged foods and drinks are filled with sugar, fat and salt which are used for color, flavor, taste and texture to make you eat more. Avoid processed foods and eat locally grown fruits and vegetables to which are filled with antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and nutrients that aid the body in healing and weight loss.
- Don’t Eat in Front of the TV or Computer
It’s best not to associate eating with the TV, computer or other distraction to eliminate developing a pattern of eating whenever you’re in front of either device. Eating in suitable surroundings allows you to focus on the meal. And put your phone away while you dine.
- Prepare Your Own Meals
Eating out or ordering meals may be more convenient, however, these meals are often filled with fat, sugar and salt. Increase your weight loss opportunities by preparing your own nutritious meals. Preparing your own balanced and nutritious lunch and taking it to work ensures that you have the right foods and portions that are right for your body.
- Stress and Weight Loss
Stress is one of the leading causes of weight gain. Elevated levels of the stress hormone cortisol leads to belly fat build-up. Practice breathing exercises and other relaxation techniques to reduce nervousness, anxiety and stress which will aid in weight reduction.
- Keep Weight Loss Goals Realistic
Remember, you did not gain your weight overnight, therefore, it will take time to achieve your goals. There are no short-cuts or instant remedies for weight loss that won’t have a detrimental effect on your health and starving yourself will only create a rebound effect in which you overeat. Be kind to your body and do you best.
- Satisfy Your Cravings
Your body may have cravings during this weight loss period but don’t sabotage your weight loss goals with candy bars, chips, and fast food. Instead, have a bottle of fruit infused water, eat a piece of fruit or have some vegetable sticks.
- Make it A Lifestyle
Incorporate all the habits in steps 1 to 9 to make it a lifestyle change. Fad diets and short-term change in habits result in weight in loss, unfortunately the return to regular unhealthy diet result in almost double the weight.
Stay the course and make healthy lifestyle choices every day.